Tutorial: Kandinsky's Swinging Schaukeln 1925 in Miniature

Famous Paintings in Miniature Number 5: Kandinsky's Swinging Schaukeln 1925  

In this, the fifth in my famous paintings in miniature series, I will be showing you how to recreate  Kandinsky's "Swinging" or "Schaukeln" 1925. 

Sketch diary: Holiday in Konstanz

My daughter Kit needs to decide whether to spend her 3rd year of her university life in Konstanz or Berlin. She's already been to Berlin so we thought it would be a good idea to go and check out Konstanz. And of course it was a great excuse for a holiday! 

It is so unbelievably beautiful at Bodensee (the German/Swiss/Austrian name for Lake Constance).Here are some sketches from our holiday with shockingly bad text by an enthusiastic German learner (ME!). I hope you like them...

Holiday in Konstanz 2016

The Journey 30.08.16
by taxi from Aughton to Manchester
by plane from Manchester to Stuttgart
by train
     from Stuttgart to Rohr
     from Rohr to Böblingen
     from Böblingen to Singen
     from Singen to Konstanz

               Ten hours later we arrive!